Can a Paediatrician Test for MTHFR Genes C677T and A1298C?

I recently did the 23andME DNA test and discovered I have 2 of the MTHFR genes C677T and A1298C. I’ve done some research, trying to understand it all, but it’s still so confusing. I understand a lot of doctors aren’t very educated on this so I don’t really know where to start. Do I just go to a regular MD and tell them I have the MTHFR gene and get checked for vitamin deficiency and then go from there? My main question is since I have this gene, that means at least one of my parents have/had it and their parents, as well.

I actually have a huge family and as far as I know, none of them is aware of this. If none of them ever knew about it then how did they live so long (both sets of my grandparents lived to be in their 80’s) and not be treated with the proper vitamins their body needed (methylated B12 & Folate) and not staying away from folic acid foods/vitamins the whole time? They most likely took multivitamins containing folic acid! I also have 2 kids I need to get tested now. Can a paediatrician test for these genes? I plan to treat this, but what would happen if I never found out about it and didn’t treat myself and kids for it, like the rest of my family? Any other genes I need to be concerned about? Sorry for all the questions this is just very overwhelming. Any advice is appreciated.

MTHFR 4 Answers 2968 views 1

Answers ( 4 )


    It’s not necessarily something you can treat. It’s a gene mutation and you pretty much have to watch what you put into your body as your body can not filter some poisons/toxins (from my understanding of the gene). 98% of people with autism have the MTHFR gene mutation.

    Yes, your family may survive with the gene, but I am sure that not without other side effects and also not taking into consideration that a lot of chemicals weren’t used back in the day like they are now. Considering there are over 70 vaccines In the childhood schedule compared to what it was when I was a child… it’s like playing Russian roulette.. you just need to avoid toxins as much as possible.

    Best answer

      I know it’s not something you can treat or get rid of, but I just don’t understand how most of my family and 40% of the population has it and doesn’t even know, are ok with not getting the vitamins they need or trying to avoid folic acid and toxins. Especially considering doctors aren’t very educated on it and don’t just test everyone for it.


        It’s sad, it definitely needs to be a test given at birth. But I feel like it isn’t something that most of the population knows most about because it’s something that contradicts the government and what they’re pushing. So I believe most people who do know about the mutation are ‘awake’ per se.


          Yes, I agree! At least make more people aware of it since so many people have it! I’ve never even heard of it until a couple of months ago when someone mentioned it to me, so I figured I’d test and see if I had it and sure enough I did.


            Yes! You pretty much have to research it for yourself and get rest yourself, obviously, it’s like a $200 test lol. My son has all classic symptoms of the MTHFR so I stopped vaccinating him after his 6-month shots.

            He has the stork bites/angel kisses on the back of his head, lip and tongue ties, sacral dimple, and the blue vein between his eyes… I wish I would have known about it sooner. I plan to get him tested and take him to a dr in Dallas who specializes in MTHFR to try and get a medical exemption from vaccines. Right now he just has a philosophical exemption to get him into school.


              Hmm… I’ve never heard of those symptoms. Didn’t realize there were even symptoms with it. I have a 2 and 15 year old that’s been fully vaccinated, but I definitely need to stop that.


    My sister paid for my daughter to have the 23andME test done. It said my daughter had two possible things from a gene mutation. Took all the information to two doctors who said it was not possible as they do not recognize the 23andME test… you could ask your doctor to test you, maybe you’ll have better luck!!


      Interesting. Can any kind of doctor test for this?


        Check into Stratagene online, they use 23andME test results. A western medical doctor wouldn’t know about this. They are actually taught to ignore this kind of thing because it means that their means of *medicine* would be life-threatening.


    I would find a naturopath or a chiropractor. I use a TCM acupuncturist and a chiropractor. I haven’t been to a paediatrician for 8+ years (because they just wanted to vaccinate my kids. When we ended up in the emergency room multiple times, they were worthless). Mississippi is tough, like California … they have tight laws to vaccinate everyone.


      I don’t think our insurance will cover a naturopath. Not for sure about a chiropractor either, but I’ll look into it. I’ve tried looking for a naturopath, just to see prices, but haven’t had luck with finding one in my area.

      I have a 2-year-old and he hasn’t been to his paediatrician since he was probably 1 1/2 and I don’t want to take him either because I don’t know how they’re going to act when I try explaining to them why I don’t want him getting any more vaccines.


        Make sure to get medical exemptions for you and your kids… being vaccinated will be life-threatening. Also, pharmaceutical anything (ok, anything made in a chemical lab), will be very damaging.


          What do I need to do to be able to get medical exemptions? I definitely don’t want my kids getting any more vaccines!


    I’m not entirely familiar with the genes you named, but I will say this as it may help with research or questions you can ask. MTHFR is an enzyme that breaks down a form of folate into another form so to speak. We actually need this enzyme. The problem is when there is a mutation in the gene. Did they tell you there was a mutation?


      How can you tell when there’s a mutation in the gene? I haven’t been to a doctor yet. I just did the test myself and seen I had the genes. I also have COMT V158M, COMPT H62H, VDR Bsm, and VDR Taq. They are all -/+. I’m guessing that’s better than +/+. Those are just the main genes I’ve noticed people talking about. I do have more.


        Oh, I see. I don’t know what the + or – means. I would talk to a doctor or possibly a genetic counsellor to help you understand all of it. It’s extremely confusing. Don’t stress yourself out. Everything may be totally fine.


          Thank you so much ????. I do know that if it shows +/- it’s heterozygous meaning you got the gene from one parent and if it shows +/+ it’s homozygous meaning you got the gene from both parents.

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