Answers ( 2 )


    We used elderberry syrup at our house recently for the flu. Wiped flu out in 3 days flat (along with essential oil “flu bombs” made of oregano, lemon, tea tree, thieves & frankincense oils). Those helped us so much that this “round” of flu was pretty lame! Elderberry is a syrup that you can find at any whole foods store and most drug stores. There are a few different brands, but we prefer the taste to this one. I think they make a children’s version as well.


      I second this! Exactly what I give too 🙂 lots of water, diffuse essential oils if you have any & Whole Foods. I also do the old remedy of applying onions on her foot at night. Works wonders!


    We’re dealing with it too. My two daughters have had it, and I hope the rest of us will be spared. We’re doing vitamin C & D, colloidal silver, and diffusing essential oils – currently Cypress, Cedarwood, and opopanax to help with the cough. I have also been taking the olive leaf to help boost my immune system. I would take Elderberry syrup too, but I’m out right now. Lots of fluids too!


      How do you give colloidal silver? Do you mix it in a drink? And how often?


        You just put it under the tongue, wait 30 seconds, and swallow. If the child is too young to do that than you could probably put it in juice. It has no taste to it… just tastes like water.

        The frequency depends on what you need it for. For acute purposes, you can use it seven times a day. I use Sovereign Silver, and the directions are right in the bottle.

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