This is driving me crazy! I get big scaly areas on my scalp. They itch horribly and sometimes turn into sores. I’ve tried ACV, COCONUT OIL AND TEA TREE OIL. Even bit the bullet and used head and shoulders and T-gel. Does anyone have any idea what causes this? Anyone stuffer and had success?
Answers ( 9 )
It can be psoriasis or Seborrheic Dermatitis. No oil will help as this is a fungus but if you change your diet no dairy or yeast, it will help a lot! And apply regular tea tree oil on your scalp overnight and then use a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner. Cutting out grains is best too. Lots of high-quality probiotics. There are lots of supplements and Candida cleanses available as well.
To truly rid the body of yeast you have to take systemic enzymes on an empty stomach. Candida is yeast and an overgrowth shows itself in many ways… dandruff, scaly skin behind and on the ears, bad breath, white film on the tongue, fungus on the feet, weight gain, being tired, Sugar feeds yeast/ candida.
Some research tells us that cancer is really a fungus/yeast issue. A clean diet is the only true way to combat this… it may take a while to get rid of it, but don’t despair. If you follow a clean diet you will overcome it. Eat Grass Fed meats, not conventional meats as many are given antibiotics before you consume it, also buy organic range fed eggs. It is best to avoid the convenience boxed and canned foods we find in the middle aisles of the grocery store where they are packaged with hidden sugars like corn syrup, etc.
This looks like psoriasis which I’ve had my entire life. Scabs on my head even and my scalp would bleed when it got bad enough. I have been able to get rid of it 100% through diet. Juice Fasts every six months is what I do to stay on course because the irritating foods creep back into my diet and then the psoriasis returns.
I ignored all the physical signs that were slowly increasing until one day in my 40’s I was having unbearable stomach pains. I went off all grains for a while and now limit them but NEVER gluten anymore. Sugar, dairy, soy (usually in my coffee) and corn can flare it up if I have enough of it, so I avoid that too. And drinking lots of water daily helps. This is 100% curable with diet and no medications.
I used to have psoriasis on my scalp, which drove me crazy with itchiness and scaling. The cause was Celiac disease/gluten intolerance. After eliminating gluten from my diet, it was a ton better, but only completely cleared up after changing my shampoo from one containing wheat germ oil to one that didn’t.
If you haven’t already, eliminate commercial soaps and shampoos and switch to castile soap. Eliminate refined sugar and as much processed foods as you can. Cut fluoride out of your water and toothpaste. Have your vitamin D level checked and supplement to get it up over 40 ng/ml. These are things I did to relieve my eczema and psoriasis.
It’s called seborrhea, aka crib cap. You cannot use cheap shampoos/conditioners with this condition. It is lifelong but manageable. There are prescription shampoos that do indeed work. But first things first, you need to get to a dermatologist for confirmation.
It’s actually 100% preventable and curable. You have to heal the gut first. 🙂 Special shampoos not necessary but healthy diet, removing dairy and gluten is!
My daughter used to have this condition, and we have cured it by healing her body, detoxing her of heavy metals, healing her gut, and eating good food. She used to have so much stuff coming out her scalp it would bleed, but now I can’t even remember the last time she had any.
For cradle cap in infants, it stems from the gut. Basically, you have a leaky gut. The cause is most likely candida which tore down the stomach lining and now your body is reacting to foods you are eating. The major culprit is dairy and gluten. By removing those and going on a candida cleansing diet (nothing special required just no sugars, starches, grains, etc) you can help the gut heal. You will also want to add probiotics & bone broth into your diet as well as ACV to build up the healthy gut bacteria.
I’m going to suggest something simplistic. Try finding a sulphate free shampoo if you aren’t already using one. Make sure you are really scrubbing your scalp with your finger tips (not nails) to lift the scales. You may need to get a lotion for eczema from the doctor in order to really cure it. But sometimes something as simple as an irritating shampoo is to blame.
It could be Scalp psoriasis. Washing regularly helps me. I actually found a particular shampoo and conditioner helped, the Live Clean (Canadian brand) healthy scalp products. Also, sunlight is supposed to help, so see if you can get some sun on your scalp.
My psoriasis also went away when I got pregnant (I think because of the increased blood volume) and stayed away for quite a while postpartum. Then it came back in my skin and scalp but eventually, my skin psoriasis went away, and I only have scalp psoriasis. What helped with my skin those was George’s special dry skin cream, another Canadian brand.
I have this too! In my case it’s a form of psoriasis, came all of a sudden to me a few weeks before I was getting married due to stress but I haven’t gotten rid of it ever since. I now shower with less hot water to avoid damage to the skin on my head and once a week I massage my head with baby oil and leave it in for 15 minutes. The baby oil loosens up all the dead skin, I have really long hair so I have to thoroughly rinse it after but it’s about the only thing that has helped the most. I also use Bioderma shampoo, which is the only one that really makes a difference.