How to Improve Legs Health which are Suffering from Sciatica & Low Vitamin B Level?

I am really worried about my legs. The muscles are so weak, I can barely walk, and sciatica in my right leg sends sharp pains, especially if I put any weight on it. I have had this sciatica for 2 weeks. Starts at the right gluts down to my ankle. My test showed very low Vitamin B levels with adrenal fatigue. Is this related? Last Thursday the FM doctor gave me an IV nutrition with glutathione. So far, it didn’t seem to make a difference. I have 2 more IV’s to go. What should I do? I am really worried.

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Natural Healing 9 Answers 2938 views 2

Answers ( 9 )


    Take turmeric ginger black pepper and coconut oil in a warm tea or milk to reduce inflammation. If you can get into a warm bath with Epsom salts, stretch to lengthen back and pelvis, you probably have nerve impingement from your sacrum being out of place.


      Thank you! I will do that. What about my very weak leg muscles?


        I’m thinking it’s from the nerve impingement and somewhat from limiting your activity because of the pain. Magnesium lotion may also help as its sort of like Epsom salt bath in a bottle.


    Sciatica is caused mainly by a pinching of the sciatic nerve root in your lower spine. Impingement over time will weaken your muscles because the signals from your brain to the muscles, that pass along the nerves, are not communicating properly.

    Long- term impinging can cause nerve damage/deadening. You likely have inflammation in the L5-S1 vertebral disc that is putting pressure on the nerve root. Definitely, address the inflammation. I found acupuncture to be helpful in addition to anti-inflammatory approaches.

    However, it can also be an indication of a more serious, mechanical problem. I had a broken/missing bone in my back, causing my vertebra to slide fwd, crushing the disc. An X-ray might need to be ordered. I would not rule out seeing a doctor.


    Either low potassium or Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause this. Start consuming Adrenal cocktail and beef liver to start. See how you feel with those. Go low and slow on the magnesium as it pushes adrenals and yours are weak.


    I also do have weak leg muscle syndrome! Like you I am not sure what can help (I have been on the protocol for one month now but have had the muscle weakness for eight months, and it has not really got better. I am doing the ACs (Adrenal cocktail) protocol in the hope they will help and make sure I get plenty of potassium every day. The weakness is so bad that all I can do is walking (with some pain) but can’t exercise.

    Also, a general practitioner or rheumatologist would probably label this as fibromyalgia. I do accept that “fibromyalgia exists,” but for me, fibromyalgia is only a symptom of something else going on (such as mineral dysregulation). So I’m trying not to use this label for myself, as there is no cure for fibromyalgia and it’s just in my view the way for doctors to end a consultation so that they do not have to dig deeper and find the root cause of this.


    Lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest. I had a hip injury on my left side. The chiropractor was useless. What helped it the most was walking and taking the weight off. Don’t trust chiropractors with real health problems. These sound like problems for a neurologist and/or orthopedist.

    I found that out when he was more interested in signing me up for a family plan than helping with my pain. That nerve hurt so bad I had to be lifted on to the table. I was carrying drywall, and the person holding the front end decided to let it go. It lasted a long time. But walking healed it.


    You sound like you need daily shots of B12 until your symptoms improve. Don’t mess around with B12, a deficiency can lead to irreversible nerve damage. Very important to find out if you can’t absorb oral sources.

    Studies have shown B12 shots to be effective in reducing sciatica pain. I’m guessing you may have MTHFR mutations so adeno or methylcobalamin would be preferred.


      I am having IV’s with B vitamins and glutathione.


    Get on the floor & do this. I pinched a couple nerves in my back the last year, did this ONE time, released those nerves. take it easy & don’t overdo it if you’re not able to follow completely. I was so ill last October, I thought I was gonna die with Fibro & Hashimoto. Now I am way better now since thyroid meds & a lot of AC protocol.

    I could not believe how it really did work. everyone should do yoga, it relaxes you & get your lymphatic system moving among other things.


      I do notice all my paresthesias get worse when I lay back on my butt, including the ones in my arms. I thought it was due to blood flow. Could it be this nerve issue?


        Everything hurt me. I could hardly shower & wash my hair; they told me it was fibromyalgia. Gave me antidepressants. I didn’t take when I found I have Hashimoto Hypo Thyroiditis. Got on Tirosint for thyroid, cut gluten, started this Adrenal cocktail protocol, magnesium baths & WF Vit C tablets, etc.

        Got the recommended Magnesium RBC iron zinc tests, found out that I have A LOT of iron, so I started donating blood thru American red cross every two months. Its been a long road but I am getting better that’s for sure.


          I have a normal thyroid, ideal ferritin level, and have been off gluten already. Were you able to link any relief specifically from the Yoga exercise?


            Yes absolutely. It gets your muscles moving & strengthens them, increases blood flow thru your entire body. I did the video because I pinched a nerve in my back. It released it & was immediately better.


    Maybe start by checking your spine. I’ve put up with sciatica for 18 months only to find it’s due to herniated discs. I had an MRI which showed this up. It doesn’t feel like its coming from your back as the pain’s on the sides. Yoga stretches and other remedies can help release the nerves and assist pain, but don’t waste your money on remedies until you get things properly diagnosed.


    I used to have terrible sciatica during my last two pregnancies but this pregnancy is pain-free! I started sunbathing each day to get my Vit D up, as well as tons of topical magnesium with cofactors and making sure I’m not eating inflammatory foods.

    Calcium is a big natural pain reliever but even with a diet rich in calcium you can’t absorb it unless you are getting sunshine, plus it needs magnesium in balance and k2 for proper function. K2 is in grass-fed dairy particularly Gouda as well as natto.

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