How Much Dosing Required of CBD Oil for a Baby with Lennox Gastaut Syndrome?

My friend’s son has Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, uncontrolled seizures, even with pharma meds. He is two. I got her started on cannabis oil finally, but she is not using the whole plant stuff yet as I’ve told her, she got some dispensary stuff (1 serving =1.3 mg THC & 8.09 mg CBD, Composition: 19.7 mg THC, 121.4 mg CBD) and he had a really bad seizure day today and she wants some advice on dosing. Does anyone have any advice for her, or familiar with this type of CBD? I know nothing about the ratios or dosing, all I have ever used is a glycerin tincture myself.

Cannabis Oil 3 Answers 2887 views 0

Answers ( 3 )


    My understanding of the dosage with Charlotte’s Web is 1/2 your body weight but in mg’s. It looks like each dose of what she bought is about 9.36 MG’s of THC and CBD. Do you know the weight of the child?


      He’s about 25 lbs I think.


        The dose would have been close, then. Maybe what it was made with?


    Please wait until you get a real consultation with folks like those at Green Health Consultants. They work independently but also for CannaKids, and they have a lot of experience helping with children. It would be totally irresponsible to just “give it” to a child like this. I do not wish to offend — just know that different children need wildly differing doses and ratios of cannabinoids to help get good seizure control. Many still need other meds too. A consult will likely cost $200 or less ~~ if that is “too expensive” then so is the oil she is trying to use. Serious medicine affects almost every cell in that baby’s body ~~ let’s focus on safety first, and “first do no harm.”

    Best answer

    The best Cbd oil to use is Haleigh’s hope. It’s the whole plant and has helped so many children, lots are seizure free. My son is on it for his seizures and I can’t recommend it enough.

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