Any Recommendations for Iron Supplements Which May Raise Levels Quickly?

Can anyone recommend a good iron supplement that raises your levels quickly and doesn’t give you side effects? I can’t tolerate the standard iron tablets the Dr gives you and always end up really nauseous. I was ordering Lorna Vanderhage iron smart, which is amazing for this but it comes from Canada, so costs a fortune. I’m was taking floradix but didn’t feel any better for it & it stains my teeth. I’m now trying active iron, but I’m not sure if it’s strong enough for low iron stores. Was thinking of doubling them up but scared of side effects!

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Anaemia 5 Answers 2528 views 0

Answers ( 5 )


    I initially had good luck with MegaFood blood builder, and it's keeping me stable now, but can't keep up with my periods.


      I think it's my periods that are doing it tbh. Those are very heavy due to my thyroid.


        This is a vicious circle because if your body doesn't have enough iron, it doesn't produce anticoagulant properly and gives heavy periods. Did you ask for infusions?


          No didn't ask for them. Can they make you feel ill?


            It dépends on the infusion. The old dextran was often not tolerated very well, avoid that. But with Venofer or Injectafer, it's better. Some people have zero side effects.

            Other have fatigue, headaches, nausea – but anyway that's kind of what I'm going through every day. Most of the time the side effects are manageable. I'm getting an infusion soon!

            You'll see that many people are struggling to get one. But It's sometimes necessary to get better. I don't know where you live, here in France gynécologists in hospitals can prescribe infusions if it's caused by heavy periods.


    I was given two types of iron tablets because the first ones made me feel very sick, but now I have ferrous sulphate, and I'm fine on those.


    I'm taking feramax without any issues. You could also try a heme iron or ferrous bis-glycinate. Ferrous bis-glycinate 25 mg iron is as effective as ferrous sulfate 50 mg. Another friend takes Rainbow Light plant-based iron from Curry Leaves. Iron bis-glycinate is said to be the best one in terms of absorption.


    Floradix, organic spirulina & Solgar gentle iron. Also, drink nettle herbal tea every day. Just taking one won't help much. Don't put all your eggs in the same basket 😉 Our body only absorbs a small part of the iron we give to him, so taking different supplements is best.


    Have you tried Black Strap Molasses? I've heard great things about it being fast, but I can't have the sugar.


      I've not. I need to watch with sugar too, unfortunately, but will check it for sure.

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