Answers ( 9 )


    It’s important to find the cause. Maybe have his vitamin D checked, and even TSH levels. Usually, when vitamin D is low, it can mimic the symptoms of anxiety. If he refuses to go to the lab for tests, he can order online and get those checked at home. If it turns out below than normal, then there are some natural brands of Vitamin D which you can consider. My personal favorite is country life! Hope he gets it checked.


    I had bad anxiety and depression for almost 6 years. I never could figure it out, until I realized I lacked certain vitamins that interfered with my hormones. I started taking a good quality vitamin and used top quality essential oils. Usually, anxiety and depression is a gut issue. I have now been free of anxiety and depression for a year now!


    I listened to an awesome podcast on Peoples Pharmacy by a David Hanscom spine surgeon (He has a book “Back in Control”) who had anxiety so bad, he couldn’t function, and a neurologist helped him retrain his brain to release negative thoughts. He had him sit down 2x a day and write down every thought, without judgment, and then after about 20min, he walked to the trash can and ripped into pieces, retrains his mind to let go of stuff.

    Of course, FOOD IS MOOD, so change his diet to Paleo or Valeo and add magnesium and cod liver oil together at bedtime to calm the central nervous system.


    Magnesium. Most anxiety can be remedied with magnesium. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) also helps. Be careful that you buy no-flush Niacin. Flushing Niacin can be intense if you don’t know how to use it properly. Magnesium deficiency also causes depression, low energy, acid reflux, high blood pressure, and muscle cramping. Proper magnesium levels in the body also helps with migraines. Zinc and magnesium are the core elements used in enzymes.


    There are several possible biological causes of anxiety.

    Fluctuating blood sugar levels will do it. Does he indulge a sweet tooth?

    Chronic low-grade inflammations, especially in the gut, will do it. Has he spent much time in parts of the world where water supplies are dodgy?

    A leaky gut will do it. Does he eat wheat? Industrialized food (like we have here in the US) with lots of agricultural chemical residues instead of organic food?

    Prolonged stress will do it by wearing out the brain’s ability to keep adrenal hormones in balance. Has he been through a prolonged period of stress or periods of extreme stress?

    Each one of these will call for a different approach … and they can sometimes be acting in combination.

    The reason to a deeper dive into this than just looking for something to calm anxiety is that if whatever you try addresses the wrong cause then it may not work.


    You have to find the cause of his anxiety. If he is toxic or under stress, you use up methyl groups fast. Methyl groups are needed for every function in your body (detox, making neurotransmitters, protecting the DNA, turning genes on and off, the stress response, etc.). The stress response takes priority over other functions. You need methyl groups to turn the stress response on and off, but if you are under stress and toxic, you may not have enough to shut off the stress response so you will be anxious.


    Calm with calcium. Powdered drink from any health food store. Take the Emergen-C supplement for better absorption. Kid, you not you will feel so calm. I was told to take this by a naturopathic physician.


    L-theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, extra B vitamins, Bach flower remedies, yoga and breathing exercises, CBD oil (needs to be concentrated to at least 25 MG per serving), physical exercise, self hypnosis, EFT tap therapy (see YouTube), possibly seeing a qualified therapist/counselor, cut down in sugars, grains, packaged foods and anything else with food additives as so many of them are neurotoxic. Also, watch caffeine and chocolate intake. Even natural stimulants can exacerbate anxiety.


    Toxic mold causes anxiety. You may want to check if there is any in your home or his place of work. It may not be visible. It could be hidden behind the wall.


      There’s definitely mold in our home. We’re trying to take care of it, but it’s a rental, and there’s only so much we can do. We have to take care of most of the repairs.


        A dehumidifier might help the mold problem. I think once the humidity is 56, molds can’t survive. You’ll notice the musty moldy smell goes away too.


          If he’s sensitive to the mold, then you both need to leave. It’s impossible to eliminate the mold spores once it has taken hold in a home. That’s because the microscopic spores burrow into all porous materials. They also produce mycotoxins which are even smaller than the spores, and these are what causes the anxiety (and other symptoms).

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