Answers ( 8 )


    I think so, Yes. I believe mine “activated” after giving birth to my second son. I was so very sick (morning sickness all day) with him for 7 months during pregnancy. And then we lost two after him and tested and discovered I have MTHFR. Our crazy bodies!


      That’s interesting! I have been under the impression it is something you are born with. It’s in your genetic makeup always; there is not a switch activated by the trauma of the body. So does it get worse after trauma then?


        You are born with it, but my Dr explained the mutation as a switch that gets turned “on” that’s why 40 percent of people have it, but many have no symptoms and go forever without even knowing they have it. My moms’ was “turned on” after a major car accident.

        That’s why this protocol by Dr. Lynch ( is so important especially in children and also during major life events to make sure it doesn’t “turn on.” Another interesting thought is why people are so much sicker than they used to be; all the chemicals in our food and environment are Turing on the gene.

        My grandparents are from Italy and lived long healthy lives with the same genes, well they were outdoors with fresh air and clean food their entire lives. My mom and I majorly struggle with the effects of living an American lifestyle, no matter how healthy we try to be it’s just everywhere. It’s all fascinating!


          That’s why when you get genetic tests they say things like you have an MTHFR gene marker for ‘X,’ but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have ‘X.’ Being genetically predisposed means that you have a gene that could turn on given the right circumstances.


    I have 2 boys. I definitely felt some symptoms before in my younger years and 100% feeling so much more since both boys were born.!! I tried explaining this to my husband.


      My endocrinologist explained that even though my thyroid labs look fine, That’s only 50% of the battle because your body has to be able to methylate and use the hormones correctly. Childbirth can wreak havoc on thyroid issues.


    I think all the classic interventions (Pitocin, Epidural) they do in birth can trigger it. I don’t see how natural birth can cause it to trigger though, besides maybe stress on the body. Adrenaline maybe? That’s just my opinion though.


    I had problems after a natural homebirth. There were many foods I could not tolerate after I had my first child. Could have been age or stress too. Had all of my children natural at home. Other than the stress, no problems. Not even a stitch.


      I think just the changing hormones play into it.


    I was definitely more ill from my first pregnancy onwards, but I guess that it is because of the folic acid tablets I was taking.


      Me too, exactly!!! And my first child was born with gastroschisis!! (It’s a relatively rare birth defect where there is a small opening in the abdominal wall, right beside the umbilical cord, and her intestines & part of the stomach were on the outside!!).

      Much later I’m diagnosed with MTHFR…. doing lots of research, and found that folic acid toxicity (thanks to all those wonderful prenatal vitamins flooding my system with folic acid) directly causes neural tube defects, which is what this was!

      Plus it triggered all my problems as well: debilitating fatigue, anxiety, depression, etc.


      I think that my body took a big dive after the birth of my fourth baby. I sort of think it had to do with the Tdap booster. I had it just two years before, and I think it overloaded my system: so many medications, vitamins, possible nutritional deficiencies. I can see how IF childbirth itself doesn’t trigger a worsening, that some of the things related to it could.


      What are the symptoms? When I was told I had it I was given extra folic acid and told not to change anything while I was pregnant. Now I am confused.


        Not folic acid as it is toxic with MTHFR because it is human-made. Instead, L-methyl folate is what should be taken since it is the natural broken down version.


    Luckily I took a food based prenatal, so it was a methylated Vitamin B. But my first labor was long and challenging- 56 hours. I was very sick after. I have never felt 100% since.

    I’ve been gluten-free for the past five years and eat pretty clean. But I am always so tired and foggy. My thyroid levels are excellent — even a bit on the hyper side. I just don’t know how to get myself back.

    I’m doing a strict ketogenic diet for my Neurologic issues (and my weight), and I can tell you that the very first thing I noticed was mental clarity, the brain fog lifted!!


      You have to find a Dr. that looks beyond the thyroid labs, just because your labs are normal doesn’t mean your body can methylate/utilize the hormones your body is producing correctly! I found a neurologist who is also homeopathic. The right dr is really hard to find.


    This makes so much sense!!!!! So many problems right after having my son!!! Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and severe GERD. Couldn’t eat anything without having severe chest pain like someone was sitting on my chest. My pregnancy was challenging too!!! All day nausea, restless legs, insomnia, severe heartburn.


    Any major stress on the body, even something like over-exercising or extreme stress from work, can “activate” the symptoms.

    It’s my understanding that some of the issues, like Copper toxicity, get worse with each successive pregnancy.

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