Although there aren’t many if you try to find a natural wound cleaner at home which could qualify as an alternative for allopathic medicine, here are few of them you can make at home:
- Have a homemade healing salve and its coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, lavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil, frankincense for blessed healing.
- Many herbals can be soaked a few hours, for instance, a pinch of tulsi tea, a teaspoon of calendula flower heads and or petals, a pinch of neem and a teaspoon of yarrow flowers and leaves soaked overnight in a quart of filtered water works well. Add a pinch of lavender for a calming effect if pain or itching is present.
You can buy a needleless syringe at a grain store or in a drugstore and use it to flush the wound. Many, many things are easily available that you can try, but be aware that things like apple cider vinegar will likely hurt. It’s a good idea to stick with things that don’t kill off the good bacteria as antibiotics do.
- Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide for cleaning. Coconut oil mixed with Lavender, Tea Tree and/or Frankincense applied on the wound for healing. A mix of honey, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper ingested 2-3 times a day for faster healing.
- Eucalyptus, lavender, or tea tree oil & a drop or two with a quarter size amount of olive oil or coconut oil on a cotton ball.
- Turmeric prevents infections, reduces inflammation and accelerates the formation of scabs to stop bleeding – been used for centuries in India. For cleaning, use hydrogen peroxide.
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