Answers ( 3 )


    Yeah, in some time it will go back to normal. My eye Dr. doesn’t prescribe glasses until blood sugars are under control for a while. Endocrinologist most likely will recommend you to have an eye exam because if the tiny vessels in your eyes are affected, then you might have other things too that are affected. Get an eye exam if you can. Don’t wait. Better safe than sorry. I have severe Retinopathy because I figured it would go away. It is no fun.


    First of all… how old are you? Do you currently wear glasses? If you’re in your early forties, it could just be the natural progression of needing reading glasses. As you get older, if you don’t currently wear glasses, it may just be that coming on.


      I’m 41, and I have never had to wear glasses, the blurred vision started maybe a few weeks ago, and I was diagnosed as a diabetic two Fridays ago. People kept asking how’s my vision but it wasn’t bothering me enough to say something about it at the time and it still not bothering me, but it’s just bothering me that I have to hold my phone back away from my face to read.


        Ok, it could be that your blood sugars are still a bit unstable, but also just the fact that you're 41, may just be time to get those reading glasses. Definitely make an appointment for an eye exam, but in the meantime, try some cheap reading glass like +125 – it should help.


    It might regulate itself. This happened to me when first diagnosed. I've always been myopic, but when I got Diabetes all of a sudden, I could see totally clear w/o glasses. Got an RX for new lenses and they were completely wrong after my vision went back to my "normal." That was so weird!

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