Answers ( 1 )


    It really depends on what you can tolerate, but my go-to is chopped up chicken, cucumber, red pepper, and olives with oil and vinegar dressing. I love it because I don’t need a microwave and it’s filling. Other than that, here are a few ideas for SIBO safe food you might like:

    • All beef, no nitrate hotdogs, baked potatoes.
    • Spanish tortilla, if you tolerate potatoes.
    • Rutabaga is a SIBO, safe potato alternative that I enjoy.
    • Justin’s Individual Peanut Butter packets are great for traveling.
    • Few cans of Salmon. Easy to carry and doesn’t need a refrigerator.
    • Some mince parties with some lettuce and tomato.
    Best answer

      Many thanks for the suggestions. Here's what I did – Made lettuce wraps with safe turkey, and sunflower shoots, vegan mayo, and parmesan cheese on romaine lettuce rolled up! Even my husband liked it. We got some amazing gluten-free, nitrate-free hot dogs and burgers and gluten-free bread and ingredients for beef pocket stew with safe veggies. We will make these over the next couple of days!

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