How to Use Colloidal Silver 50 ppm liquid for MRSA in Head Follicles?

Does anyone use Colloidal Silver 50ppm in medicines from nature brand? I want to use it for MRSA in the head/hair follicles. This is diagnosed by a Dr. but I believe it is possible why my hair hurts/itches and burns sometimes. I’m not sure how I would treat with this product as there are no directions and I have never used this product before.

How to Use Colloidal Silver 50 ppm liquid for MRSA in Head Follicles

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Colloidal Silver 3 Answers 2892 views 0

Answers ( 3 )


    You can use both ways, drink a shot glass per day and apply on your scalp until it eases and your body can fully take care of it.


      It doesn’t make you sick or react with other meds?


        When I take it, I ensure that I’m not on other meds. I don’t even take painkillers. The only thing that can happen is that it will neutralise iron and copper in your body (because as it is an ion, it has a charge – that’s why it kills pathogens) so you will crave more red meats.


    You can turn grey/blue looking from taking excessive Colloidal silver, but only from taking very high doses. Like 2000-5000 ppm several times a day but even that is rare. Low doses are fine and will not cause any discolouration to the skin.


    Turning blue is excessive as stated above. I have ingested a good amount for 2 weeks using as a natural antibiotic. Spray on hair as well. As any natural supplement, take 30-60 minutes from the meds.


      Would I dilute the 50 ppm? Or spray on straight? Also, how long and often would you recommend?


        Spray straight! As your doctor said, you have MRSA, I would spray it on several times a day and see what your doctor says on next visit.

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