Answers ( 14 )


    I opted against it because many women I spoke with who had it done had horrible hormonal changes afterward and had menopausal like symptoms that weren't pleasant and easy to deal with. I chose to have mine removed completely.

    Oh, and I was able to nurse shortly after the surgery. Talk to a lactation consultant. They'll be more up to date about anesthesia, and it passing through breastmilk than even an anesthesiologist would be.


    Worst mistake I've ever made. The doctor didn't inform me of any real possible side effects until after I was affected by PTLS. I lost 80% of the milk supply within six months and became premenopausal by 25. Hormonal hell is all it's been for me. I'd rather have five more kids than deal with what I have the last 2.5 years. I can't help but feel the way doctors treat tubal ligation is so similar to vaccines – it's scary!


      Not having the surgery isn't an option. My husband and I will not risk ever getting pregnant again, as we can't afford more kids than we already have. My husband doesn't have insurance, and we can't afford the $570 for him to have a vasectomy. I have insurance that covers it because I just had a baby. So this is the only permanent option we have.


        Is tube removal an option? Unless you aren't sure if you want more children later or not. 


          We don't want any more kids in the future. We already have three children. I will go for my pre-op appointment soon, but they haven't said anything about removal.


            Most won’t suggest removal. Unless you specifically push for it. Mine tried to talk me out of it mainly because he didn’t want to be responsible If I ever changed my mind.

            He promised he’d even put in an extra clamp in to make sure it was shut. Most don’t like doing it on people under 30 or if you have less than two children either. But if you are sure that’s what you want, you must stand your ground and remain firm with your decision when you discuss it with them.

            If you choose this path, consider seeing a Dr. that tests and treats their patients with bio-identical hormone therapy. It’s best to stay as we were made, so our bodies function naturally. There might be adjustments you’ll need to make in what kind of doctoring you to get.


              I had my tubes removed. Super easy and healing was easy as well. I would recommend the removal of the tubes over tying them or clamping them any day.


                I had a partial hysterectomy after my 4th baby. My Dr recommended it because my periods were so heavy and painful.

                He took my fallopian tubes and uterus. Left my ovaries so that I still was getting my hormones. It's definitely an adjustment.

                But I'm thankful I.dont have to worry about kids anymore or painful periods. Just a thought. My Dr let me leave the hospital the same day because my surgery was early enough; it was nothing compared to my four c-sections, though.


    I have lots of friends who regret having their tubes tied. Lots of health issues after. Many who said if they knew they would feel so bad, they never would have done it.


      What types of health issues? I know a ton of women who have had the procedure without any issues.


        Lots of hormone problems, vaginal dryness, mood swings, headaches, etc. I have a close friend who has these issues and more as well.

        I would never recommend this surgery. I'd save the money and have your husband get a vasectomy. Research all the side effects and health issues you could come across.


    I had my tubes tied through my belly button. It was a breeze. My cycle is like clockwork — no health issues at all. Had it done when I was 30 — about 20 years ago. I have no idea why the scare tactics because I know many women who had it done as well.


    I had mine tubes tied just 1 hour after I delivered my 3rd. It was a horrible experience. They took me back with my epidural still in, and I was awake the whole time and felt like puking. Recovery was worse then labor, delivery, and post-pregnancy recovery all put together. Felt like my entire insides were just bouncing around for months. And every little Move I made resulted in pain!


    I had mine tubes tied done the day after I had my 2nd child (I was 23 at the time) in January because we know we are completely done having kids. I'm glad I got it done and haven't had any bad side effects. I was able to breastfeed/pump for my baby for six months with no problem (stopped due to the stress of having to exclusively pump since my baby stopped latching on).

    I have had two periods since having my baby in January, and I haven't had any worse cramps then I usually do (which is pretty bad). Best decision for us! Hubby will be getting snipped when we get the money for it as well.

    Recovery was excruciating, but (I believe that was because I was having to take care of our 2yo, the day after getting discharged cause my husband got a bad stomach bug) doctor put me to sleep for the procedure, so I don't remember that.

    But my #1tip is taking your meds on time! I had to take mine every 6 hours for the first week, or I was in so much pain I could not walk.


    I had my tubes tied after my second son's birth. It was painless. I thought I was done having kids at 38. When I turned 40, I hit a void in my life and felt so sad how I would love to have another child.

    I looked into invitro; it was so sad how I felt couldn't conceive unless I pay $30,000 with no guarantee. I felt so empty, and there was a chance to try a reversal with my tubes. I found an amazing doctor and took the chance to become pregnant.

    We did a gender reveal, and we were blessed with a baby girl coming this year!!! Mom said you know for sure that you're not going to have any more kids then it's great. I'm not sure about nursing, though.


    I'm 29. With three kids. I had my tubes tied the last year. I was able to breastfeed normally afterward. Recovery was super easy. I only had mild soreness and bruising. I had had my tubes burned, no clamp, no removal. I haven't experienced any side effects. I'm still nursing ( but only at night) & my periods are regular.


    Aside from herniating and having to have medication that put my Uterus and for contractions, I suppose it was OK. No one told me aside from the PCOS symptoms that I acquired afterward and the complete alteration in my hormones, which caused extreme abdominal weight.


    I had pain for a few days after mine was done. No problems with it after the pain went away.


    I had mine done when my son was born, it interrupted my milk supply, it caused periods from hell, and it has taken eight years for things to return to an almost normal state, hence, I would not recommend it. I would suggest you research before you go ahead with it, especially since you are breastfeeding, BTW, nothing to do with the anesthetic.


    I had my tubes tied, left ovaries intact when my last child was about 3-4 months old. I had some other repairs from having six children done at the same time — all arthroscopic.

    I was much sorer than I thought I would be. Two weeks hunched over, but after that, it was pretty much normal. I've never had any issues since then, other than age-related stuff, I think.

    We were worried about an unexpected pregnancy, but this was five years ago and so far so good (and I'm 46 now). I was exclusively nursing my baby, there were no interruptions, and my milk was fine. He went on to nurse for almost two years.


    I had a hysterectomy while nursing and my supply was fine. I didn't nurse while I was in the hospital, but I resumed as soon as I got home. It was about 36 hours total from surgery until I nursed. My daughter was two years, 2 months old when I had the surgery.


    I delivered my second daughter by c-section and since I was already in the OR had my tubes tied while they weighed her etc. I have had no issues whatsoever with it. Recovery was no different than my first c-section, no problems with milk supply, no pain any more than expected, and no problems once my period returned.

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