How to Treat Rashes on Armpit at Home using Natural Remedies?

There is a rash on my armpit I’ve had for 5 days. I have not worn deodorant in 4 days and have not switched deodorant or washing powders in ages. I sincerely think it’s caused by friction or an overgrowth of something that’s irritated by sweat. I have been committed to working out for 6 days every week for 1 month now. I have recently started running for cardio and I think the friction from running has caused it. Suggestions for ways to help? What do you think it maybe?

Armpit Rash
I have used coconut oil with tea tree oil to treat it for 4 days. It seemed like it was trying to get better the next day after treatment, but recently it has been the worst it has ever been.

in progress
Natural Healing 12 Answers 2851 views 4

Answers ( 12 )


    Could be an infection from shaving. A lot of lymph nodes in the armpit that could carry infection to the rest of the body. Try not shaving, rub with cortisone cream and apply gold bond powder. If not better in a day or so, see a doctor. I would clean with apple cider vinegar. Take Epsom salt bath and put some bentonite clay to keep the area dry.


    I’ve gotten that before & coconut oil helped me some. I would not use Teatree! Slippery Elm works great as a powder on ahead and air dried not letting anything rubs across it.


      I tried coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil and it got worse.


        That’s what I was saying above, coconut oil has helped me but just a little bit, but I would definitely avoid the Teatree in it.


    It is chapped skin. Make sure you wash it every day and dry it completely. Use what you would use for chapped lips… I personally use cocoa butter Vaseline. If you have been using the same deodorant for a while, try changing that up.

    Also, if your deodorant has baking soda in it, that might have probably what caused it in the first place. And the tea tree oil is probably just aggravating it. Happened to me when I made a homemade one but I keep using it thinking it was a shaving irritation and I almost had to go to the ER because it was so bad. I couldn’t put my arm down for about 4 days. Just don’t use anything til it heals and once it does don’t use anything with baking soda. If you happen to have Burts Bees Res-Q ointment it might calm it down a bit faster.


    You said you are commuted to working out one month now… I’m going with perhaps you are detoxing your self and trying to eat better. I’d use a good probiotic… if you are not in any medications, I will do a dandelions tea to flush your system. I’d drink 18 oz water and each mug of dandelion tea.


      I’m not trying to detox myself but I have really good eating habits for a while now. I definitely need probiotics, but I do eat yogurt daily. No meds either.


        Unless it’s top of the line yogurt from hf store you’re just feeding yourself sugar. Exercise for a month is the detox phase. If say it’s yeast. Prebiotic and probiotics needed.


    Not trying to scare you but a few years ago, I got something like that, and everyone told me it was a heat rash and to put powder or ointment on it, and so I did, and it kept getting bigger for a week I went to the doctor and had a high fever and they sent me to the hospital for an emergency surgery to remove MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) skin infection.


      If I have a fever, I’ll definitely go in! Thanks for the heads up!


    I think it may be from shaving armpits. It is an irritation. I thought to myself before on this subject, this may be why women are always cold. This is one of the key areas for regulating body temperature, another is the feet. Just saying. Just be like the native Indians. Just don’t shave.


    Put coconut oil and baking soda into a paste, apply & leave on for about 20 minutes. Stay away from deodorant, it isn’t good to try Tom’s brandless chemicals.


      NO BAKING SODA on this! Baking soda disrupts the acid mantle on our skin & affects the Ph level harshly. Baking soda is used in so many “natural deodorant” recipes & after making & using those recipes myself, for years, & reformulating due to baking soda burns that look much like this photo, I learned my lesson the hard way.

      Try cleaning with witch hazel. Use nothing else other than maybe occasional aloe. Keep it dry, dry, dry except during bathing. Use a mild soap. Even coconut oil can be not the best answer if this has already turned into a yeast issue as yeast needs damp, warm areas to grow. Hope you heal quickly! I know how uncomfortable that is. It may even eventually peel as it heals up.


    It’s yeast. Lotrimin AF is the only thing I could get to get rid of it quickly on my daughter. My poor daughter was so bad and I was a first-time mom just treating diaper rash. I didn’t have a clue about yeast. She had it for days before my sister told me it wasn’t a diaper rash. The Lotrimin AF ringworm cream cleared it up overnight!


    That’s a yeast infection!! If you’re eating sugar, stop! Use soap and water and let it air dry. Leave it exposed to air as much as possible. This has to be taken care of internally even more than external because it will come back.


      Yes, Candida overgrowth. I am drinking ACV, hydrotherapy, and I’m taking a Candida to cleanse now. I do not have sugar. I have dyshidrotic eczema, did an elimination diet, and I know refined sugar is a trigger. I also think Candida overgrowth is also a contributor to my eczema.


    You can try mixing two parts of water and 1 of vinegar and spray it or use cotton to put it on the skin. The ph will be very acid in your skin, avoiding things to grow in your skin, it actually helps for fungus and bacteria. This and tea tree oil works for tinea versicolor (another fungus/yeast problem).


    I got a rash like that after switching to natural deodorant. My doctor said it was friction on sensitive skin. So I stopped until the rash cleared and eased back into it slowly and now I don’t get it. May also be your body detoxing. You should stop shaving that pit until the rash goes away. How often do you change razors? Or how often do you shave? That could be causing a reaction?


    Since you haven’t used deodorant, it may be a detox taking place. I did the same thing when I quit using all the toxins on, and in my body. They have to come out some way, and that is usually how it is done. Also, rashes have and can happen when your body is getting rid of toxins.

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